Best gay sex stories littlebuddy

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I took advantage of a pause in the conversation to tell Kris I was gonna take a walk and stretch my legs. Kris and I sat around the campfire solving the world's political problems as the moonless sky overhead filled with stars. I guess a day of fun in the sun, fishing, swimming and running around the camp ground had taken its toll. His 11 year old son on one side of the tent and my 8 year old on the other. My buddy Kris and I had put the kids down for the night about an hour ago and surprisingly enough they had drifted off to sleep in the big 8 man tent. It was one of those crystal clear late Spring nights that was a camper's dream. True Sex Story: A curious married man has his first man to man sex with his best friend.Ĭaution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma Consensual Gay True Story First Oral Sex

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